Oct 2, 2009

FoodsThat Are Suprisingly Unhealthy

It is important to know good foods from unhealthy foods and with today's competitive advertising it is easier than ever to disguise foods to make them appear "healthy." On cookinglight.com they have a list produced by Katherine Brooking, MS, RD, that contains foods that are surprisingly unhealthy.

Sports Drinks
  • Unless you are an extreme athlete such as a endurance runner, sports drinks often contain excess amounts of sugar and calories. 
Foods Labeled "Fat-Free"
  • "Fat-Free" foods are often loaded with calories and extra sodium. Be sure to check the nutrition label to make sure "fat-free" also means low calorie. 

  • Smoothies may seem like a healthy choice because of the fruit they are said to contain, but after all of the ice cream and extra sugar is added smoothies can be a high calorie treat. 
Energy Bars
  • Energy bars seem like a good option before a workout, however they often contain high fructose corn syrup, added sugar, and saturated fat. Some are even loaded with calories. Home-made granola bars are a good choice as long as you watch the nutrient content. 
Prepared Salads
  • Salad is not always a good choice when eating out. Prepared salads are loaded with calories from creamy dressings, fried chicken and added mayonnaise. So when ordering a salad, ask for the dressing on the side and get grilled instead of fried meat. 
Multi-Grain and Wheat Breads
  • These breads are misleading because while they seem healthy, they may not actually contain "whole" wheat. Breads that contain "bleached or unbleached wheat flour" do not contain "whole" wheat. So when choosing bread, look at the nutrition labels.
Restaurant Baked Potatoes
  • Baked potatoes are healthy on their own, however most restaraunts load them up with unhealthy toppings. Loads of butter, sour cream and bacon make baked potatoes high in fat and calorie dense.

1 comment:

  1. Thanks for sharing! You're right about store bought energy bars. I make my own; they're easy, inexpensive and taste better :)
