Apr 25, 2011

Gratitude Journal Challenge

Happiness can have a positive effect on our health. It may sound silly, but happy/optimistic people tend to be more healthy and their health habits tend to come more naturally. Think about it, usually we overeat because we are stressed or "unhappy" about something. We tend to get less sleep when our minds are racing resulting in a lot less energy. When we gravitate towards negative thoughts in general then we have less motivation, feel worse about ourselves/our bodies, etc.

Healthy Lifestyles has a challenge for all of its participants, whether you are working with a coach or not. Start a gratitude journal. Write down at least one thing each night before you go to bed. Keep it on the night stand right in front of your face to help remind you. So easy!!! Taking time each day to think about what we are grateful for can help us keep things in perspective and keep our focus on the positive things in our lives. Think about how this could be a positive in your life.

In a recent study, done by Dr. Robert Emmons, people were asked to keep a gratitude journal. Those that completed their "homework" reported feeling more joyful, enthusiastic, interested, energetic, excited, strong, and helped others more in comparison with those who did not complete the assignment.

What are you grateful for???

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