Jan 19, 2012

How Did You Sleep?

Sleep is more important to your health than you might realize. Lack of sleep can throw off your appetite-regulating hormones which can make you gain weight and create blood-sugar problems. Ignoring your body's clock isn't a good idea, so here's a few tips to help you rest easy.

1. Set the scene- make sure your bedroom is cool and dark to help signal your body to go to sleep, drown out background noise with white noise like a fan, and wear non-restrictive sleepwear to help you feel relaxed.

2. Avoid working or watching TV in bed- That stimulates your brain to stay awake instead of sending the message that it's time to sleep.

3. Watch what you eat late at night- Avoid alcohol, nicotine, and caffeine a few hours before bed. This will help you fall asleep more quickly and stay asleep throughout the night. Don't exercise right before bed either, as this can keep you energized and unable to get to sleep.

4. Stick to a schedule- When you stick to a regular wake-up schedule, even on the weekends, your body's internal clock will be trained to follow that schedule. This helps you feel more energized during the day, and ready for bed when it's time to sleep.

5. Get a good mattress- You spend a lot of time sleeping, so make sure you have a comfortable and good quality mattress to give you the most restful sleep.

6. If you can't sleep, get up- tossing and turning doesn't help you relax. Try reading a book until you feel sleepy, or do some gentle stretches and deep breathing. If your mind is racing, try jotting your thoughts down to get them on paper and out of your mind.

For more tips and ideas, click here.

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