Nov 7, 2013

Healthy Holidays Group Week 1!

For a lot of us the first thing we think of when we hear the words ‘the holidays’ is
Food! Gaining Weight!  Stress!
The holidays can be stressful but there are also so many wonderful things about them.

Warning! Diet Mentality can make the holidays more stressful.
Diet mentality is when we think in extreme black and white scenarios.  “I am not going to eat sugar this season”, “I am going to go to the gym for 2 hours each day”, “I’m only allowed X amount of calories per day with no budging”.  Now, these are all well-meaning goals.  We absolutely should be health conscious throughout the entire year including Thanksgiving and Christmas.  The good news is we can do this without setting ourselves up for failure and without approaching it with a negative “I’m scared of holiday food” attitude.  So, first step is to…..relax. 
Each week we will be setting goals and applying the principles of intuitive eating.  This will help us keep perspective throughout the next six weeks of parties, baking, and stress.  We want to start the holidays off right!  So let’s talk about setting realistic goals or SMART goals.
SMART Goals are:
Specific- Describe what you want with as much detail as possible. Example: I am going to do 3 acts of service for my spouse this week. 
Measureable- Goal can clearly be evaluated. Example: I either do or don’t complete the service.
Attainable- Steps to attain the goal.  Example: My three acts of service will be to clean the rain gutters, make his/her favorite meal, and write a letter of gratitude to them.
Realistic- Yes or No? Example: Looking at my week, am I going to have enough time/resources/etc. to accomplish these goals?  If not, rewind and make sure that your goals are realistic.
Timely- Specify target completion dates.  Example: I will clean the gutters on Wednesday afternoon.  I will make his favorite meal Saturday evening.  I will write the gratitude letter on Sunday morning.  I will accomplish all my goals by Sunday night.

SMART goals are Small weekly goals are a great way to break down “I am not going to gain weight this holiday season” into a more manageable, realistic short term goals. 
Each week we are going to set a goal and call that our action plan. 

Action Plans
Make a plan for yourself this week!
Answer these questions to make your plan….
1.       Something YOU want or decide to do!
2.      2.  Achievable! Something you can expect to be able to do this week
3.      Action-specific!  Losing weight isn’t asn action or behavior, but replacing snacks with fruit between meals is; losing weight is the RESULT of actions)
4.      Answer the questions:
What? (Specific Question)
How much? (time, distance, amount)
When? (time of day or which days of the week)
How often?  (number of days in the week…avoid ‘every day’)
5.      Confidence level of 7 or more (On a scale of 0=not at all sure to 10=totally sure)

And finally let’s focus on the joy of the holidays!

Write down your favorite things about the holidays!

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