May 13, 2011

May Brown Bag

Eating healthy can be tough when we don't take the time to plan ahead. Come to this month's Brown Bag and learn how taking a few minutes during your week to plan ahead can actually save you some time and money. You'll also learn ideas of how to incorporate more nutrients into your meals. Hope to see you there :)

Health and Justice Building
When:Wednesday May 18th @ noon
Where:HJB room 2500

Utah County Jail
When: Wednesday May 25th @ noon
Where: EOC room

*Door prizes will be given
*Attendance is worth 15 HE points

Eat Your Colors!!!

Hello Everyone,
Spring is here and gardens are growing. Now is a time where there are tons of tasty fruits and vegetables available. The Healthy Lifestyles program would like to invite you to participate in the "Eat Your Colors Challenge".

What: "Eat Your Colors Challenge". This is a four week challenge with two parts:
Part 1: Eat at least 3 of the 5 different colors of fruits and/or vegetables every day throughout the challenge.
Part 2: Submit your yummiest/healthiest recipe containing at least one fruit and/or vegetable in it (the more f&v the better)

ALL Healthy Lifestyles participants are welcome and encouraged to participate in this challenge.

May 15th - June 11th

Why Should I Participate?:

*Completing this challenge will give you your total 30 points for the second quarter.
*All who participate and complete this challenge will receive a
Healthy Lifestyles Recipe Book!!!!!!
We'll be combining all the recipes from the 2010 Healthy Holidays Challenge with all the recipes submitted this time around.
*Prize drawing for completing the challenge

When Can I Sign Up?:
*Go to
*Log In
*Click on "Competitions"
*Click "Sign Me Up"

Where Can I Find More Info/Instructions?:
*Click Health Promotion (Located on the left hand side of the page)
*Scroll down until you see the "Eat Your Colors Challenge"
*Read about the challenge and the instructions of how to participate

If you have any questions please contact Stephanie Jones @ 801-851-7098, OR call Apple at 1-888-346-0990