Dec 10, 2013

Healthy Holidays Group Week 5!

There are exactly 2 weeks until Christmas Eve!  
Does that stress you out?
We’re right in the thick of it!!! 

What is causing you stress this holiday season? 
Go ahead, make a list……

Maybe you haven’t started your Christmas shopping… or are having trouble finding something for that last person on your list?  Have the holiday treats staring piling up on your front door?  Are the holiday parties and activities filling up every night of your week?  Did you go over-budget?...
Here are a couple of our favorite holiday stress relievers…

“Quiet time with the Christmas Tree” Appreciate the little things we love about the holidays… like spending the evening cuddled up on the couch watching cheesy Hallmark movies by the light of the Christmas tree.  There are so many little things about this time of year to appreciate.  What is your favorite thing about the season?

“White Space” Is your calendar crammed with night after night… after night holiday activities?  Don’t cram so much into the holidays that you can’t enjoy them.  Be sure and schedule free-time, some down time to do nothing but enjoy the lit up Christmas tree.   Don’t be afraid to say ‘no’ to that extra holiday party.

“Make your list and check it twice!”  Prioritize your holiday activities.  What is most important to you?  Use your priority list to make a plan.  Organize your ‘to do’ list so you have some direction as you navigate the busy holiday season. 

 “Buddy the Elf” What do we all love about Buddy the Elf? 
He is such a positive person, just rolls with the punches and MAKES US LAUGH!  Let’s not forget to laugh at the funny things this holiday season and even the not so funny things…if nothing seems to be going right (we all have those days!) just laugh about it.  There’s no reason to stress over things we can’t control. 

“Watch Your Wallet” Watch your wallet so you don’t get pick-pocketed….and make your holiday budget and stick to it.   There are lots of great ways to save money like shopping  holiday sales, making homemade bread, rolls or jam for your neighbors,  making homemade heartfelt gifts, take your family to the dollar store to purchase family gifts…this could be very entertaining!