Sep 10, 2014

I just don't have time to...

The to-do lists are exponentially growing and you are probably thinking, you just have to get through one week at a time. Just keeping up with the basics feels like a great accomplishment, which it actually is! The early mornings, not so nutritious meals, stressful days at work, or late nights are taking their toll. As mentioned in the this months newsletter,
"The key to extraordinary is to MANAGE ENERGY, not just time."
 Think about where your time and energy is going, take a look at the diagram below and challenge yourself to make your to-do lists in these boxes.  

Consider these as you do your lists:
Am I focusing on the tasks in Box 1?
How much of my time am I spending in Box 3?
Are there too many things in Box 4 that are weighing me down? 

As you focus on the tasks at hand in Box 1 you will have more time and will have more energy to get the rest of the items done. Challenge yourself!