Mar 27, 2012

Walking... Did You Know?

As the weather is warming up it's a great time to get outside and go for a walk! Here are a few facts about walking you may not have known.

Walking is the most popular form of physical activity in the United States.

Although 41% of all trips made in the United States are one mile or less, fewer than 10% of all trips are made by walking and biking.

The average person takes 2000 steps per mile.

Brisk walking (≥3.5 mph) has been shown to reduce body fat, lower blood pressure, increase high-density lipoprotein, and even reduce risks of bone fracture.

Because of the health benefits, the cost of walking is actually negative.

For more interesting facts about walking, click here.

End of the 1st Quarter!

March 31st marks the end of the first quarter so make sure you've contacted your coach, your goal tracking is up to date, you've marked your physical activity and health education points or whatever you need to have completed before March 31st!