Dec 16, 2014

Home for the Holidays Challenge: Impaired Driving

Don't drink and drive this Holiday season and make sure your loved ones don't drink and drive either!  Talked to your kids about underage driving and make sure they know it is unacceptable.

Dec 10, 2014

Still need to do your holiday shopping?

Here's a few ideas for healthy holiday gifts to get your loved ones....

Dec 2, 2014

Fasten Your Seat belt Someone Needs You!

If we all would drive with more common sense and think about driving, while we are actually doing so, the amount of accidents would significantly decrease. I am sure that you can think of many times you have been driving down the road and get held because up ahead there is a crash. You slowly pass the accident thinking, "Yikes! That is a bummer, I am sure glad that isn't me." Well, we are glad it isn't you either! 

But awareness and prevention are the keys to avoiding these disasters and making the roads safer! We have been doing the Home for the Holidays Challenge 5 most dangerous driving behaviors: Drowsy, Unbuckled, Impaired, Distracted, and Aggressive. You are aware of these dangerous behaviors! Set a goal to rid your driving of one or more of these habits! 

Nov 13, 2014

Home for the Holidays Challenge Heads up

Our last WELL4LIFE challenge is about to start! Get excited! Seeing as today it started to snow...We want you to drive safe! 

The challenge will last 5 weeks, each week we will be focusing on a dangerous driving behavior. There will be 5 weekly challenges and a raffle for those who complete all 5 challenges! 

This first email will be sent out November 14! Look for the challenge! 

Also we are looking for your stories!!
Did you accomplish something this year you are proud of?  
How did the WELL4LIFE program help you?
Please write a message on Facebook or email Kari at

Nov 5, 2014

Small Steps for Better Health

You may have noticed the emphasis on taking the stairs! If you haven't noticed, go check them out and use the stairs!  

Did you know???
  • Physical activities like stair climbing are a great way to cope with job-related stress.
  • Stair climbing is a 'green' activity, the only energy source used is what is stored in our bodies.... good for you and the environment!
  • Taking the stairs is often faster than waiting for an elevator during peak usage times. Take the test and time your trip. Often for trips of 7 floors or less, the stairs are the quickest way to your destination.
  • Using the stairs requires no special skill, equipment or clothing and it burns twice as many calories as walking. Step right up!!
  • Climbing just two flights of stairs everyday could result a loss of 2.7kg or 6 lbs per year. Six flights a day could help you trim nearly 18 lbs.
  • The 30 minutes of physical activity we need for our health can be accumulated a bit at a time, or one stairway at a time, spread at intervals throughout the day. Do it your way!
  • People spend an estimated two-thirds of their lives at their place of employment. In order to stay healthy, we need to find ways to incorporate physical activity into our workday.
  • Adding stairs to your day can add years to your life. Studies show that risk of cardiovascular disease and death is lower among those who are regular Stair climbers.


Oct 29, 2014

Can HEALTHY and HALLOWEEN be combined?

As the holidays approach, we brace ourselves for the expenses that come, the treats that overflow, family relationships strained or strengthened, and stress that sets in. Halloween is the initiation of the hubbub, afterwards comes Thanksgiving, Christmas, and New Years. Lets face it FOOD is a big part of the holidays, PHYSICAL ACTIVITY decreases and STRESS can increase. All of which lead to the so called, "holiday hangover". To avoid the "holiday hangover" here are some tips to start at least Halloween out on a good foot:

1. Fill up before Trick-or-Treating.
You and your children will be less likely to snack on the candy along the way, if you eat something before you go!

2. Handout non-sugary or toys for treats.
Some food ideas could be granola bars, animal crackers, popcorn, rice cereal, or cheddar cheese crackers. That way those leftovers don't hang around!

3. Walk while your trick-or-treating.
It is a tendency by some to drive from neighbor to neighbor, choose to walk from house to house instead.

4. Keep your favorite sweets and hide the rest.
When you return with bags of "loot", dump it all out and allow the kids to enjoy it but have them separate the candy into things that are their favorites and things that aren't. Hide the things that aren't their favorite and hide them out of sight and out mind.

5. Be careful about what you apply to your face! Don't use colored contacts, you need a prescription for those. Test try make-up to assure you are not going to have a bad reaction. Your skin is very sensitive.

*Source CNN and TIMES

Oct 22, 2014

If you don't plan for yourself, you'll be apart of someone else's.

$$$ "The biggest secret to financial success or success in any endeavor is to think further ahead than most people do." $$$

We had an awesome "Brown Bag" presentation today at the Sheriff's Office. A speaker came from Mountain West Credit Union came and gave us some great tips about finances. And he challenges us to NOT procrastinate change, but to take what we learned and apply it to ourselves. 

Here were some of the tips that we learned: 

1. Live a cash-only life. Get rid of any debt hanging over your head.
2. Invest properly. Look at your retirement, 401k, and bonds.  
3. Spend within your means. Don't spend more than you make. 
4. Save your money!  
5. Talk to the professionals. Don't be afraid of them, it shouldn't be embarrassing, everyone is going through life and so talk it out with people that you trust. 
6. Be aware of your accounts and potential identity threats. 
7. Plan, plan, and plan. Divide your potential spending into short term, long term and future in order to better anticipate unexpected high spending. 
8. Look at your interest rates and explore ways to lower them so you can pay off debts faster. 
9. Consider your paydays a "celebration day". And reward yourself with a little bit of money. 
10. If you earn a raise, don't spend more, save more money!

At the end of the presentation, he even gave away a $25 gift card! It was well worth the time! Think about what ways you can better your finances!

Oct 14, 2014

"Life is 10% of what happens to us and 90% of how we react to it."

Attention to all those reading this blog, you are important to us. And because you are so valuable to the Utah County Health Department, we truly care about you and your health! We know that healthy people equals happy people. We are preparing for the upcoming year and want to cater our activities to your needs

We want you to fill out this quick survey to give us a better idea of where you might be in the many aspects of wellness!

Here is a link to the survey, it is completely random, you are not required to place your name, nor will it be recorded, so please answer openly. Your answers will also be confidential. It is only to give us a better idea of program activities for the next year! It will only take you 3-4 minutes! We promise!!

Click here: Wellness Survey

Thanks again!!!!

Oct 1, 2014

Do something that your future self will thank you for!

The first fall YOGA class is tomorrow at noon! It should be lots of fun and relaxing all at the same time. Take a minute to "de-stress"! 

3 Reasons you should: 
1. You will LEARN something new. 
2. You could get to KNOW someone new. 
3. You will have FUN.  

"Yesterday I was so clever, that I wanted to change the world. Today I am wise, so I am changing myself.' -Rumi

Sep 24, 2014

It is time to...BEAT the flu bug and get your SHOT!

Did you know? 
As shown in the graph, we are coming up to the time where everyone should get a flu shot! EVERYONE should get a flu shot every season!

3 REASONS why you should GET THE FLU SHOT this season:

1. The flu can cause other health conditions, i.e. diabetes, heart disease, and asthma, to worsen. 

2. By receiving the shot, you will prevent illnesses that can cause you to miss school and work. 

3. The virus changes year to year and so the shot is created for the specific virus that is most common. 

You can get the shot at your local physician, or the health department. Go and get one today!

*Information found from the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC).

Sep 17, 2014

"Everywhere is walking distance if you have the time." Steven Wright

The weather is cooling down at night, and it is brisk in the morning. It is the perfect time of year to take a stroll around the neighborhood. Walking is the solution to a bad day, a reason to let go of stress, enjoy the nature all around, and take a minute to breathe fresh air. 

This Saturday, September 20, at 8:30 am, we will be hosting a "Try a Trail" Event. We will begin at the Jordan Parkway Trail in Lehi, Utah. We will have a booth set-up and some giveaways. Take the morning to WALK, TALK, and ENJOY the nature and cool weather. It should be a lot of fun. Bring your family and friends! 

Sep 10, 2014

I just don't have time to...

The to-do lists are exponentially growing and you are probably thinking, you just have to get through one week at a time. Just keeping up with the basics feels like a great accomplishment, which it actually is! The early mornings, not so nutritious meals, stressful days at work, or late nights are taking their toll. As mentioned in the this months newsletter,
"The key to extraordinary is to MANAGE ENERGY, not just time."
 Think about where your time and energy is going, take a look at the diagram below and challenge yourself to make your to-do lists in these boxes.  

Consider these as you do your lists:
Am I focusing on the tasks in Box 1?
How much of my time am I spending in Box 3?
Are there too many things in Box 4 that are weighing me down? 

As you focus on the tasks at hand in Box 1 you will have more time and will have more energy to get the rest of the items done. Challenge yourself! 


Sep 5, 2014

Do you hear the dinner bell ringing?

You will be LESS likely to have an eating disorder, LESS likely to be overweight and MORE likely to eat healthier food...if you are involved in EATING AS A FAMILY.

Governor Herbert has officially declared SEPTEMBER as, "Healthy Family Meals Month". There will be many activities this month to raise awareness and challenge families to eat together.

5 Ways it will benefit your children:
1. Less Delinquency
2. Greater Academic Achievement
3. Improved Psychological well-being
4. Positive Family Interactions
5. Eat healthier food  

To find recipes, contests, and resources visit 

Sep 2, 2014

Fall is coming....

The leaves are starting to change which means Fall is here!  The cooler weather makes it perfect for planning some outdoor activities like hiking, biking, walking...whatever you like to do now's the time to do it!

Here's a beautiful picture from the ski lift in Park City on the way to the Alpine Slide.  Perfect time for walking around enjoying the fall colors!
Get out and enjoy the beautiful weather today!

Aug 7, 2014

Utah Wildflowers

This is the perfect time of year to hike through the beautiful mountain wildflowers...if you haven't done it before we highly recommend it! It's beautiful!
Last weekend we took a little hike through Albion Meadows on our way to Cecret Lake.  The official wildflower festival was the last week of June but the flowers were still in full bloom and gorgeous!  The lake was gorgeous as well! Looking at pictures it almost looks fake it was so beautiful.
It was such a peaceful  walk through our gorgeous Utah mountains and a hike we highly recommend!
Summer's almost over so get out and enjoy it while you still can...maybe by taking a little trip to Cecret Lake this weekend.....

Aug 5, 2014

No time to cook?

Are your summer evenings so busy you don't feel like cooking a healthy dinner?  Or maybe it's just too hot to cook all together!  Click the link for some great quick, easy and no cooking required ideas for dinner tonight!

Aug 1, 2014

It's the last month of summer!

As we head into the last month of summer... here are few ideas to help you savor the last little bit of summer!

Have a watermelon eating contest!
Visit your nearest splash pad!
Take an evening walk along Murdock Canal Trail...there's a gorgeous view of the valley from there!
Eat as much corn on the cob as you can!
Come to our employee 5k on August 9th!
Make a fresh fruit popsicle!
Take a stroll down Park City's main street!
Hike, hike, hike!  There's too many great local hikes to even list!
Sit on the front porch and drink lemonade.....ahhh...sounds nice....
Take a weekend trip to Southern Utah for some hiking, sun and fun!
Go fishing at Highland Glen Park!
Play catch with a family member or friend (and watch Field of Dreams afterwards:)
Have a neighborhood BBQ and don't forget the veggie kabobs! Yum!
You have to have one last snow cone!


Jul 16, 2014


Have you ever noticed that when you say "Hi!" and smile at a little kid they smile back (most of them anyway;).  They are so happy and love smiling!  It makes my day when I get a big toothy smile from a little one.
When did we stop smiling at people and saying "Hi!"?
Let's follow those good examples and remember to say "Hi" and smile at someone today!
or at least just smile at someone....

May 12, 2014

It's Bike to Work Week!

If you forgot to bike to work this morning don't worry! There's still 4 more days this week to take part in Bike to Work Week!  There are bike to work day events going on in Orem, Provo and Springville this week. Check out your May Well4Life newsletter for dates, places and times.
and Provo has lots of fun things going on all month.  Check out this link for more details:

Apr 14, 2014

Are you Happy?

If you're not it could be affecting your health!  Click on the link below to learn more about being happy!

Apr 1, 2014

Small Steps to Better Health

Taking the stairs is a great way to incorporate more physical activity into your day. In fact, one study published in Preventive Medicine found that after just 12 weeks, people who regularly climbed stairs had increased stamina, reduced their weight by 1%, reduced their waist circumference by 2%, and showed signs of lowered blood pressure and bad LDL-cholesterol. Small daily choices really add up!

When you pick up your April Take 10 Walking Punch Card, look on the back. You will find an additional Stairwell challenge this month! Take the stairs at least once sometime during your workday and give yourself and "X". Completed cards will be entered to win a fun prize!

Piano Stairs! Watch this fun video about taking the stairs

Mar 31, 2014

Fats: Myths & Facts

Have you heard these MYTHS about fat?

    "All fats are equal--and equally bad for you."

   "Lowering the amount of fat you eat is  what matters most."

   "Fat-free means healthy."

   "Eating a low-fat diet is the key to wieght loss."

   "All fat is the same."

Check out this article to learn more about healthy fats and how you can incorporate good fat into your diet HERE

Mar 24, 2014

The Final week's March Into Wellness Brackets!

Does Utah have a drug problem?

Utah has led the nation in prescription drug abuse and overdose deaths, and the state’s pain pill problem has caught the attention of the Deputy White House Drug Policy Director who was in Salt Lake City Friday.  Read what he has to say here!

Prescription Take Back Events will happen around the county on April 26th!  More info to come!

Mar 19, 2014

In honor of National Nutrition Month, let’s try some new, healthy recipes!
Submit your favorite recipe(s) & we will share them here on the blog.  Expand your recipe collection by trying out your co-workers “Tried and True” recipes this month (and earn 5 quarterly points)!

Then come sample your co-workers favorite healthy recipes at our upcoming TASTE TESTING event!  All registered participants will receive a free copy our of “Tried & True” Recipe Book and will be entered into a raffle to win some fun prizes. Let’s make nutrition fun again!

Submit a recipe and/or register for the Taste Testing Here!

Tried & True Taste Testing
March 24th
12:00 pm
1600-1601 HJB

Some More "Tried & True" Recipes!

No-Bake Energy Bites
1 C. old-fashioned oats
2/3 C. toasted coconut flakes
1/2 C. peanut butter
1/2 C. ground flaxseed or wheat germ
1/2 C. chocolate chips (optional)
1/3 C. honey
1 Tbsp. chia seeds (optional)
1 tsp. vanilla extract

Stir all ingredients together in a medium bowl until thoroughly mixed. Let chill in the refrigerator for half an hour. Once chilled, roll into balls of whatever size you would like. (Mine were about 1 inch in diameter.) Store in an airtight container and keep refrigerated for up to 1 week.
Makes about 20-35 bites.


Feel free to substitute in your favorite nut butter (almond butter, sunflower seed butter, etc.) for the peanut butter. And you could also add in some wheat germ in place of some or all of the flaxseed. I would caution, though, against substituting agave nectar for the honey, as the honey's thickness helps hold things together.

Some fun substitutions for the chocolate chips (or an addition to them) could include:

  • chopped dried fruit (apricots, dates, raisins, etc.)
  • dried berries (cranberries, cherries, etc.)
  • chopped almonds, pecans, walnuts, or sunflower seeds
  • other chips (butterscotch, dark chocolate, milk chocolate, white chocolate, M&Ms, etc.)
  • other grains (different kinds of oatmeal, rice cereal, etc.)
Thanks Shad for submitting this recipe!

Broccoli, Grape and Pasta Salad
1 C. chopped pecans
1/2 (16 oz.) package bow-tie pasta
1 lb. fresh broccoli
1 C. mayonnaise
1/3 C. sugar
1/3 C. diced red onion
1/3 C. red wine vinegar
1 tsp. salt
2 C. seedless red grapes, halved
8 cooked bacon slices, crumbled

1. Preheat oven to 350 degrees. Bake pecans in a single layer in a shallow pan 5 to 7 minutes or until lightly toasted and fragrant, stirring halfway through.
2. Prepare pasta according to package directions.
3. Meanwhile, cut broccoli florets from stems, and separate florets into small pieces using tip of a paring knife. Peel away tough outer layer of stems, and finely chop stems.
4. Whisk together mayonnaise and next 4 ingredients in a large bowl; add broccoli, hot cooked pasta, and grapes, and stir to coat. Cover and chill 3 hours. Stir bacon and pecans into salad just before serving.

Thanks Diana for submitting this recipe!

Baked Oatmeal to go

2 eggs
1 tsp. vanilla extract
2 C. applesauce, unsweetened
1 banana, mashed
6 packets of Sweetleaf Stevia or 1 1/2 tsp. stevia powder or use 1/2 C. honey
5 C. Old Fashioned rolled oats
1/4 C. flax seed meal
1 tablespoon ground cinnamon
3 tsp. baking powder
1 tsp. salt
2 3/4 C. milk
optional toppings

Preheat oven to 350 degrees. Mix eggs, vanilla, applesauce, banana and stevia together in bowl. Add in oats, flax, cinnamon, baking powder, salt and mix well with wet ingredients. Finally pour in milk and combine.

Spray a muffin tin with cooking spray or use cupcake liners. Pour mixture evenly into muffin tin cups. If using topping add them onto the tops of muffins now. If using fresh or frozen fruit, drop it right into the batter. 

Bake 30 minutes until a toothpick in center comes out clean. Cook and enjoy or freeze in gallon freezer bags.

Thanks Mike for submitting this recipe!

Remember that if you're awake...You're Awesome! Have a great day today!

Watch this great video and make today awesome!

Mar 18, 2014

March Into Wellness Week 3 Brackets!

click on the bracket to increase the size....

Mar 14, 2014

"Tried & True" Recipe Highlights

We have some more "Tried & True" recipes for you to try this weekend!  Thanks to all who have submitted recipe ideas. What a great way to share, try, and get excited about new healthy recipes for National Nutrition Month!

Strawberry Salad
Chopped Salad
Fresh Sliced Strawberries
1 tsp. lite blue cheese dressing
Mix together and enjoy. The strawberries mellow out the blue cheese flavor and create a more creamer flavor in the salad. You can also add chopped almonds.

Thanks Deelen for the salad idea!

**I also love making a strawberry salad with spring mix salad. There are so many ways to dress it up.
Some topping ideas: mango, blueberries, mandarin oranges, crasins, hard boiled egg, shredded mozarella cheese, sliced alvocado, 
sliced almonds or chopped walnuts, raspberry viniagrette or poppyseed viniagrette. You can also add grilled chicken to make it more filling. Lots of yummy combinations to try. Very quick to throw together and SO good!

Zucchini Banana Oat Bread (or Muffins)
1 1/2 C. flour
1 tsp. baking soda
1 tsp. baking powder
1/2 tsp. salt
2 tsp. ground cinnamon
1 C. oats
1 C. sugar
2 eggs
1 C. canola oil
2 tsp. vanilla
2 ripe bananas, mashed
3 cups shredded zucchini

Heat oven to 350 and prepare loaf or muffin pans.
In large bowl, add flour, baking soda, baking powder, salt, cinnamon, and oats. Stir together.
In a smaller bowl combine sugar, eggs, oil, vanilla and mashed banana.
Pour sugar mixture into flour mixture, and stir by hand.
Add in Zucchini and mix until well incorporated.
Bake for 35-45 minutes or until bread pulls away from sides of plan and an inserted toothpick is removed clean.
notes: I make these as muffins, and they make a great on-the-go breakfast :)

Thanks Maralie for the Muffin Recipe!

Soup Ideas
Click here for an African Soup Recipe and Black Bean Stew Recipe

Thanks Raven for sending these in!

Mar 7, 2014

Quinoa, Black Bean and Corn Tacos

1 1/2 cups cooked quinoa 
1 Tbsp olive oil 
1 medium yellow onion, diced 
3 cloves garlic, finely minced 
1 cup vegetable broth or chicken broth 
1 (14.5) oz can diced tomatoes with green chilis, undrained 
1 1/2 tsp chili powder 
1 tsp ground cumin 
1/2 tsp paprika 
1/4 - 1/2 tsp cayenne pepper 
1/4 tsp ground coriander 
Salt and freshly ground black pepper, to taste 
1 1/2 cups frozen corn 
2 (15 oz) cans black beans, drained and rinsed 
juice of 1 lime 
1/2 cup cilantro, chopped 

Serve with: 
corn or wheat tortillas 
chopped lettuce 
Monterey Jack, cheddar or cottage cheese 
diced avocados 
diced tomatoes 
hot sauce 

Heat olive oil in a large non-stick saucepan over medium high heat. Once hot, add onion and saute until golden and tender, about 3 minutes. Add in garlic and saute 30 seconds longer. Stir in broth, diced tomatoes, cooked quinoa, chili powder, cumin, paprika, cayenne, coriander and season with salt and pepper to taste. Bring mixture to a boil, then reduce heat, cover saucepan with lid and simmer about 20 minutes, until mixture has thickened. 
Stir in corn and black beans and simmer, uncovered 5 - 10 minutes, stirring occasionally. Mix in lime juice and cilantro. Serve warm over tortillas with desired toppings. 
(Recipe Source: recipe adapted slightly from a ward cookbook, recipe submitted by Kelli Price)

Thanks to Tonya Christensen for submitting this recipe! Keep submitting your favorite healthy recipes by emailing them to (feel free to include a picture as well) or through this link here. 

Mar 5, 2014

It's National Sleep Awareness Week!

What happens when you sleep?

While sleep needs vary with individuals, most healthy adults need between 7 to 9 hours.  During a proper night’s sleep you will have 4-5 sleep cycles. One sleep cycle looks like this:

Non-REM sleep has four stages, each about 5-15 minutes each. The first stage is a transition stage where brain waves slow down, and you can be awakened without difficulty. Next, you enter into a light sleep. Heart rate decreases, body temperature decreases, and your body prepares for deep sleep. Then, in stages three and four you enter into deep sleep. During this time your body is busy repairing and regenerating tissues, building bone and muscle, and strengthening the immune system.

After about 90 minutes of sleep onset, you enter into REM sleep. REM stands for “Rapid Eye Movement” because at this time your eyes move rapidly. This is when you dream. Brain activity is heightened and brainwave activity to similar to wakefulness. However, paralysis occurs as well, so REM sleep is sometimes referred to as paradoxical sleep. 

There are many benefits to a proper night's sleep!
  • better ability to manage stress
  • helps cognitive function (memory, learning, judgment, decision-making)
  • allows body to repair and regenerate
  • boosts immune system 
  • more energy and alertness
  • combats feelings of depression and fatigue

Did You Know?
  • Sleep helps you learn more effectively! Many of us think that we are being more productive working late into the night, but we would actually be more productive if we had a proper night’s sleep. Sleep allows our brain sorts new information into memory banks, solidifying information and skills that you learned during the day. As this video clips says, sleep “clears our hard drive” so to speak, so that we are ready to learn more. Although this video is targeted towards students, it is excellent information for us all to remember!

  • Sleep is important for safe driving!  “The National Highway Traffic Safety Administration has estimated more than 100,000 auto crashes annually are fatigue related. (sleep foundation)
  • Sleep may play a role in weight loss!  Dr. Michael Breus explains, “Exactly how lack of sleep affects our ability to lose weight has a lot to do with our nightly hormones...Ghrelin is the ‘go’ hormone that tells you when to eat, and when you are sleep-deprived, you have more ghrelin. Leptin is the hormone that tells you to stop eating, and when you are sleep deprived, you have less leptin.” (Webmd)

Interesting clip from 60 Minutes: "Science of Sleep" 

10 Tips to a Better Nights Sleep
1. Stick to a consistent sleep schedule.
2. Practice a relaxing bedtime ritual.
3. Avoid naps, especially in the afternoon (keep naps brief, 20 minutes or less)
4. Exercise daily (aim to finish any vigorous exercise 3-4 hours before bedtime)
5. Evaluate your room. Optimal sleeping conditions are free from noise, light (especially be careful with blue lights in your bedroom from computer and TV screens), and have cooler temperatures (60-67 degrees).
6. Avoid heavy meals in evening. Complex carbs and dairy food are good light evening snacks. Try to finish any snack at least an hour before bed.
7. Don’t drink anything within two hours of sleep.
8. Lower the lights. This signals to your brain to produce melatonin.
9.  If you can’t sleep, go into another room and do something relaxing until you feel tired.
10. Have a “winding down” time in the evening.

Happy Sleep Awareness Week! 
Remember sleep is an important part of health 
& get a good night's sleep tonight!!