Apr 5, 2012

If anyone is interested in participating in an on-site Weight Watchers class (probably held in the HJB), or interested in purchasing a Curves membership at a discounted price contact Kari at uchlth.karis@state.ut.us or 801-851-7098!

Apr 2, 2012

Are you committed to your goals?

Commitment is a visible and compelling force that contains the drive and energy to act. Commitment is the path of least resistance because, once engaged, there are no decisions left to be made. With commitment the next step is as good as done! (Intrinsic Coaching)

How Much Sleep Do You Need?

It's easy to forget that sleep is an important factor in our health. Insufficient sleep is associated with several chronic conditions including diabetes, cardiovascular disease, and depression. Additionally, drowsy driving can be as dangerous as drunk driving. Getting adequate sleep is a necessity, not a luxury.

To find out how much sleep you and your children should be getting, click here.