May 11, 2015

How is your Intellectual Health?

Every two months Well4life is focusing on a different aspect of health! For May and June we are focusing on intellectual health.

What is intellectual health?
Intellectual health is taking time to focus on exercising your brain. Making your brain work in different ways. In order to increase cognitive function, we need to break our normal habits, learn new things, and stretch our brains.

How do I do this?
There are so many ways to exercise your brain! There are simple ways such as reading a book or an article each day, try and learn something new each day, or even taking a different way to work. These all make your brain work. A few larger tasks you can do to work on your intellectual health is to visit a museum, create something new, or do puzzles such as soduku, crosswords, or word searches! Do you have any ideas on how you can exercise your brain?! Leave a comment below!

How can I measure my Intellectual Health?
Physical health is easy to measure, but intellectual health is a little more difficult. So how do you measure your intellectual health? Click here to find a quiz you can take to measure and learn to increase your intellectual health.