Feb 28, 2014

Ready for the 'Madness' to Begin???

Here are the Week 1 Brackets!
Good luck to all the teams!

Feb 25, 2014

March Into Wellness Challenge

March Into Wellness Challenge

Just in case you have not registered for our quarterly challenge....

Step 1:  Get Registered!                                              
Find your team of five players (preferably from within your office)
Come up with a team name
Select a team captain (they will be responsible for your reporting your team’s points)
Register your team at  https://docs.google.com/forms/d/1Rhi5cVx96FHaiDAaIHysT

Registration begins February 19th and closes February 26th. 
The “madness” will start on March 3rd!

Step 2: Earn and Keep Track of your Individual Points!
Individual team members will earn points by completing daily wellness activities, and record them on their individual tracker cards.

Step 3: Tally your Team Points!
Each week team members will total their individual points to come up with their teams weekly score.  (Similar to the Destination Challenge!)
Teams will keep track of their points by filling in their Team Tracker Chart weekly. (Will be provided after registration—example tracker attached)
Each Friday the team captain will submit their team’s score at ucwell4life@gmail.com

Step 4: Follow the Brackets!
Your team will be competing against other participating teams to move up in the brackets. New bracket results will be posted each Monday morning via email as well as on the Well4Life blog at www.utahcountywell4life.blogspot.com. No team will be eliminated, but rather moved to another bracket.  Winners of each bracket will be qualified to move up in the bracket, win some cool prizes, and gain office glory and fame.
1 Point
I had 1 serving of vegetables today.
I had 1 servings of fruit     today.
I did physical activity for 15 minutes today.
I did one act of random kindness today.
I took 15 minutes of “me” time (to meditate, read a book, journal, yoga, relax, etc.)
I ate breakfast today.
I chose water over a sugary beverage today.
I swapped a sugar sweetened beverage for water.
I flossed my teeth today

2 Pointers
 I had 2 servings of vegetables today.
I had 2 servings of fruit today.
I did 30 minutes of physical activity today.
I took the stairs today instead of the elevator.
I did 2 “Take 10” walks today at work.
I read an article on the Wellness blog. 
I brought a healthy lunch from home today.
I drank 3 8oz glasses of water today.
I slept 7-8 hours last night.
I tried a new fruit or veggie.

3 Pointers
I tried a new healthy recipe.
I had 3 servings of vegetables today.
I had 3 servings of fruit today.
I did 45 minutes of physical activity today.
I made all my grains whole grains today.
I wrote down 3 things I’m grateful for today.
I stretched, did yoga, or meditated for at least 15 minutes today.
I said hi to at least 5 people today.
I drank 6 8oz glasses of water today.
I tried something new today.