Feb 1, 2012

Recipe Substitutions

As you're cooking, have you ever tried substituting an ingredient to make the dish a little more healthy? Making small changes in your meals can make a big difference in your health over time. Here are a few substitutions you may want to try.

1. Unsweetened applesauce for oil or butter- The applesauce helps keep the right consistency and a little sweetness without the calories of oil or butter. Use this substitution in any sweet bread, like banana or zucchini, or in muffins.

2. Marshmallow fluff for butter and sugar (in frosting)- Marshmallow fluff has less sugar and fat than its conventional frosting counterpart. Using it will allow the desired frosting consistency with fewer calories.

3. Evaporated skim milk for cream- Both liquids have the same consistency, but evaporated milk has less fat.

4. Corn tortilla for flour tortilla- Although the flavor and texture is a little different, corn tortillas have half the fat and calories of flour.

5. Low-sodium soy sauce for standard soy sauce- The taste is virtually the same, but the low sodium version can cut out unnecessary sodium from your diet.

For more great recipe substitution ideas, click here!

Items available for check-out!

The Healthy Lifestyles Program has created a library of books and video's available for Healthy Lifestyle participants to check-out.

The library contains the following books:
'Intuitive Eating' by Evelyn Tribole and Elyse Resch
'Health at Every Size' by Linda Bacon
'Eat What you Love, Love What You Eat' by Michelle May
'5 A Day Health Cookbook' by Dr Elizabeth Pivonka and Barbara berry
'When Women Stop Hating Their Bodies' by Jane R. Hirschmann and Carol H. Munter
'The Culprit and the Cure' by Steven Aldana
'The How of Happiness' by Sonja Lyubomirsky
Tell Me What To Eat If I Have Diabetes by Elaine Magee and
'The Stop and Go Fast Food Nutrition Guide' by Steven Aldana

Want to mix up your work-out, or try a new exercise video before you buy it? The library also contains the following work-out videos:
Walk Away the Pounds with Leslie Sansone
Billy Blanks Taebo
Bob Harper Ultimate Cardio Body
Dancing with the Stars, Dance off the Pounds
Jillian Michaels 30 day Shred
Dance with Julianne, Just Dance!
Yoga Meltdown with Jillian Michaels

Contact Kari at karis.uchlth@state.ut.us or 801-851-7098 to check out one today!