Jun 10, 2010

Stretching, it is worth the "Reach!"

Benefits of Stretching:

Stretching has so many benefits! Just start a program of stretching, and you’ll soon notice many of them. Some of the benefits of stretching are–
- relief from pain
- increased energy levels
- increased flexibility
- better range of motion of the joints
- greater circulation of blood to various parts of the body

- relaxation and stress relief
- enhanced muscular coordination
- improved posture
- greater sense of well-being

Some rules of thumb about stretching:

- Learn the right technique or you will be stretching the wrong group of muscles.
- The proper time to hold a stretch is 20-30 seconds.
- Easy does it - imitate a cat when stretching, do it slow and gracefully, never bounce.
- You only need to stretch far enough to feel your muscles elongating, not until you feel pain.
- Improper stretching can lead to pulled muscles and soreness - if you experience these, then go back to your references to learn how to do it right.
- Do not stretch cold muscles. Warm up first by walking at a leisurely pace for 8-10 minutes, then stop and do your stretches and flexibility exercises.
- Set up a stretching regimen you will remember - start with the top of your body and work your way down or the bottom and work your way up.
- Muscle groups to stretch: Calf, shin, hamstring (back of thigh), quadriceps (front of thigh), back of knee, hips, shoulders.

Click here to see some examples of stretching!

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