Jul 16, 2012

5 Great Reasons to Kick Your Diet Soda Habit!

Luckily, I can honestly say that I have never been an 'addict' to soda but I will admit...I occasionally look forward to treating myself to a cold, fizzy diet coke with lime (with lots of pebble ice!)... but here's another article convincing me that I should make that treat few and far between...
Here's 5 reasons to kick that soda habit:
1.  Weight Gain- Diet soda drinking correlates with both increased waist circumference and a heightened body mass index.
2.  Higher Sugar Consumption- Artificially sweetened drinks activate our sweetness response, but don't completely satisfy it, leaving you craving more of the real thing. 
3.  Kidney Problems- Researchers show an association between drinking two or more servings of diet soda per day and faster kidney function decline.
4.  Increased Diabetes Risk-“If you're a consumer of diet soda, you have a higher risk of developing metabolic syndrome than a non-consumer,” says Lyn Steffen, Ph.D., R.D,
5.  Stroke-A January 2012 study in the Journal of General Internal Medicine found that people who guzzle diet soda daily have a 43 percent higher risk of vascular events—such as stroke and heart attack
For more info read the entire article at http://caloriecount.about.com/blog

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