Dec 6, 2012

4 Secrets to Kick the Cold

Runny nose?
Clogged sinuses?
Sore Throat?
All of the above?

Here are some tips to help you stay healthy or to help you get through your December cold:

1. Go Outside: 
staying inside puts you in close contact with other people and other germs circulating.  Going for a stroll can boost your immunity.
2. Relax:
Relaxing helps you fight off colds.  It helps your body produce disease fighting cells.
Plus, when you are more relaxed you are more likely to take care of yourself.
3. Clean those hands:
Washing hands is the best way to prevent getting sick!
Wash your hands for 20 seconds or more with soap under warm water.
4. Get your sleep!
Don't cheat your body from getting the rest it needs. 6-8 hours of sleep is much needed!
5. Vitamin C!!
Drink your O.J.!

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