Oct 29, 2014

Can HEALTHY and HALLOWEEN be combined?

As the holidays approach, we brace ourselves for the expenses that come, the treats that overflow, family relationships strained or strengthened, and stress that sets in. Halloween is the initiation of the hubbub, afterwards comes Thanksgiving, Christmas, and New Years. Lets face it FOOD is a big part of the holidays, PHYSICAL ACTIVITY decreases and STRESS can increase. All of which lead to the so called, "holiday hangover". To avoid the "holiday hangover" here are some tips to start at least Halloween out on a good foot:

1. Fill up before Trick-or-Treating.
You and your children will be less likely to snack on the candy along the way, if you eat something before you go!

2. Handout non-sugary or toys for treats.
Some food ideas could be granola bars, animal crackers, popcorn, rice cereal, or cheddar cheese crackers. That way those leftovers don't hang around!

3. Walk while your trick-or-treating.
It is a tendency by some to drive from neighbor to neighbor, choose to walk from house to house instead.

4. Keep your favorite sweets and hide the rest.
When you return with bags of "loot", dump it all out and allow the kids to enjoy it but have them separate the candy into things that are their favorites and things that aren't. Hide the things that aren't their favorite and hide them out of sight and out mind.

5. Be careful about what you apply to your face! Don't use colored contacts, you need a prescription for those. Test try make-up to assure you are not going to have a bad reaction. Your skin is very sensitive.

*Source CNN and TIMES

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