Jul 2, 2015

The Summer Slim Down Challenge!

During the months of July and August we're focusing on Physical Wellness as part of our 6 Dimensions of Wellness Challenge.  We've never done a weight loss challenge but thought it might be fun to try so we created the Summer Slim Down Challenge!

This is a team challenge that will run from Monday, July 6 to Sunday, August 23rd.  Gather your team of 4 and register here by July 6th.

Teams of 4 will participate in the challenge to lose weight and body fat percentage.  The team with the highest combined score of adjusted weight loss, body fat %, and points earned from completing the weekly challenges will be the winners!
You will need to pick up your Summer Slim Down weekly challenge booklet and weigh-in in office 2700 of the Health and Justice Building by July 10th.

Each week we will have a weekly challenge.  These are all basic healthy habits that we want you to continue to do even after the week is over.  There are a million fad diets out there that will come and go but it's developing these basic healthy habits that are going to help you the most throughout your lifetime.
Some will be more challenging than others but they are all healthy habits that will, if applied consistently, lead to weight loss.  Try them all for at least a week and try and make this the start of some life-long healthy habits.  They don't call it a wellness journey because it happens overnight.  It takes time and this could be the start of your journey, or the continuation of your journey!

We all have behaviors that are ingrained in us...some are better than others but they are all there and we do them without thinking twice.  Behavior change is a science.  It doesn't just happen overnight...it's complicated!  That's why they call it a science.  You must realize it's a learning process and will be filled with up and downs.  It's all part of the journey.

Who are you?  What defines you?  What is a part of you?  What can you not live without?

A father?  A friend?  A wife? A parent?

What if I told you that just by taking care of yourself- by taking that hour in the morning to workout, taking a little extra time to prepare a healthy lunch, getting enough sleep- would make you even better at all those things that are so important for you to be and do.....

It's true.  You must make yourself, your health, a priority.  Making yourself a priority will help you be your best self the other 23 hours of your day!
Prioritize what matters most to you and tie your health goals into your priorities.  You are important! Your health is a priority!

After you've thought about who you are, what's most important to you, what your priorities are, we want to to think of a behavior you would like to change.  This is the week 1 challenge.  To think of a behavior you would like to change, complete the behavior change contract and work on that week 1.

The rest of the challenges are listed in your Summer Slim Down booklet!
Each Monday we'll send out a link so you can report the number of points you earned the past week from completing your weekly challenges, and we'll provide some tips and tricks to help you with the next challenge.

Encourage and support your teammates!  We love team challenges.

There is a disclaimer....If for any reason you cannot do any of the weekly challenges, doctors orders, you can continue working on your week 1 behavior for that week.
That's it!
Get ready to feel great, lose weight, and Have fun!

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